Meghadoodham Part 1

कश्चित् कान्ताविरहगुरुणा स्वाधिकारप्रमत्त:

शापेनास्तं गमितमहिमा वर्षभोग्येन भर्तु:

यक्षश्चक्रे जनकतनयास्नानपुण्योदकेषु

स्निग्द्धच्छयातरुषु वसतिं रामगिर्याश्रमेषु                             1


तस्मिन्नद्रौ कतिचिदबलाविप्रयुक्त: स कामी

नीत्वा मासान् कनकवलयभ्रंशरिक्तप्रकोष्ठ:

आषाढस्य प्रथमदिवसे मेघमाश्लिष्टसानुं

वप्रक्रीडापरिणतजगजप्रेक्षणीयं ददर्श्                                  2


तस्य स्थित्वा कथमपि पुर: केतकाधानहेतो:

अन्तर्बाष्प: चिरमनुचरो राजराजस्य दध्यौ

मेघालोके भवति सुखिनोपि अन्यथावृत्ति चेत:

कण्ठाश्लेषप्रणयिनि जने किं पुनर्दूरसम्स्थे                              3


प्रत्यासन्ने नभसि दयिताजीवितालंबनार्त्थी

जीमूतेन स्वकुशलमयीं हारयिष्यन् प्रवृत्तीं

स प्रत्यग्रै: कुटजकुसुमै: कल्पितार्घाय तस्मै

प्रीत: प्रीतिप्रमुखवचनं स्वागतं व्याजहार                             4


धूमज्योति: सलिलमरुतां सन्निपात: क्व मेघ:

सन्देशार्त्थ: क्व पटुकरणै: प्राणिभि: प्रापणीया:

इत्यौत्सुक्यादपरिगणयन् गुह्यकस्तं ययाचे

कामार्त्ता हि प्रकृतिकृपणाश्चेतनाचेतनेषु                               5


जातं वंशे भुवनविदिते पुष्करावर्तकानां

जानामि त्वां प्रकृतिपुरुषं कामरूपं मघोन:

तेनार्त्थित्वं त्वयि विधिवशात् दूरबन्धुर्गतोहं

याच्ञा  मोघा वरमधिगुणे नाधमे लब्धकामा                       6


सन्तप्तानां त्वमसि शरणं  तत् पयोद प्रियाया:

सन्देशं मे हर धनपतिक्रोधविश्लेषितस्य

गन्तव्या ते वसतिरलका नाम यक्षेश्वराणां

बाह्योद्यानस्थित हरशिर: चन्द्रिकाधौतहर्म्म्या                      7


त्वामारूढं पवनपदवीं उद्गृहीतालकान्ता:

प्रेक्षिष्यन्ते पथिकवनिता: प्रत्ययादाश्वसन्त्य:

कस्मन्नंदधे  विरहविधुरां त्वय्युपेक्षेत जायां

नस्याद् अन्योपि अहमिव जनो य: पराधीनवृत्ति:                  8


मन्दं मन्दं नुदति पवनश्चानुकूलो यथा त्वां

वामश्चायं नदति मधुरं चातकस्ते सगन्ध:


सेविष्यन्ते नयनसुभगं खे भवन्तं वलाका:                        9


तां चावश्यं दिवसगणनातत्परां एकपत्नीं

अव्यापन्नां अविहतगति: द्रक्ष्यसि भ्रातृजायां

आशाबन्ध: कुसुमसदृशं प्रायशोह्यङ्कनानां

सद्य:पाति प्रणयि हृदयं विप्रयोगे रुणद्धि                              10


कर्त्तुं यच्च प्रभवति महीं उच्छिलीन्ध्रामवन्ध्यां

तत् श्रुत्वा ते श्रवणसुभगं गर्ज्जितं मानसोत्का:

आकैलासात्  बिसकिसलयच्छेद पाथेयवन्त:

सम्पत्स्यन्ते नभसि भवतो राजहम्सा: सहाया:                      11

A certain Yaksha having been negligent of his charge, and having had his greatness set to decay by a curse of his master, to be endured for one year, which was heavy on account of its separating him from his wife, he took up his abode at the Hermitages of Ramagiri, where the waters had been sanctified by the baths of Janaka’s daughter, where there were lovely shadow trees.

Separated from his wife, having passed several months on these hills pining with desire, his arm having become bare by the slipping off of the golden bracelet; on the first day of Ashada he saw a mountain- top-embracing cloud, to all appearance, like a butting elephant preparing to thrust against a wall.

Having stood awhile before it, this sweet padanus fructifying cause, with suppressed tears, this servant of the King of Kings fell into a long meditation. “At the view of a Cloud the condition of a happy one becomes changed to a strong emotion; how much more that of a banished man longing to embrace the neck

The month of Nabhas being near he desired to support his cherished wife’s life by transmitting news of his welfare by the Cloud; he, therefore, well pleased, uttered a welcome, preceded by a friendly address to the cloud, which had received (from him) an oblation of firesh Kutaja flowers.

How can a cloud, a conglomeration of watery air and radiant smoke, carry a message, such as is taken by one with intellectual organs? Not taking this into consideration, on account of his anxiety, the Guhyaka made his request, for those afflicted by love are naturally abject to inanimate as well as to animate nature.

I know thee as bora in the world renowned race of the Pushkaravartas; you, the changer of shape at will, prime minister of Indra, therefore I pray thee, since, by the power of fate I am separated from my relation; for a fruitless petition to the good is better than obtain¬ing your wish from the worthless.

Thou art the refuge of the wretched, for that reason O Cloud (Watergiver) bear news of me to my beloved, for I am separated from her by the anger of the Lord of Wealth. You must set out for the habitations of the Yaksha chiefs, called Alaka, the palaces of which glance white in the moonlight on the Head of Siva, placed in the exterior gardens.

Thou being mounted in the road of the wind, the travellers’ wives will breathe out in full confidence with the points of their locks held up while beholding thee. Who would neglect a wife distressed by separation, when thou art at hand? Not even one like me, in a subservient condition, (would do so.)

Softly, softly, as a favourable wind propels thee, and on thy left side the water-greedy Chataka exults sweetly with a pleasant song. Surely, as delighting the eye thou floatest in the sky, the cranes forming a row will pay thee homage, as they know by thy approach of the happy time of gestation.

O thou, whose march nothing can oppose, surely thou wilt see the faithful wife, thy sister-in-law, diligently counting the days, not yet dead. Though usually hope, as a tie, supports the affectionate hearts of women, which during separation, readily droop like a flower.

The Rajhansas, hearing thy ear-pleasing thunder, that has the power to make the earth (in a state) crop¬ping up with mushroom parasols, and longing to go to the Lake Manasa, will become thy companions in the sky as far as Kailasa, as soon as they have made pro¬vision for the journey of the fresh cuttings of the Lotus plant.