स्संगीताय प्रहतमुरजा: स्निग्धगम्भीरघोषम् ।
अन्तस्तोयं मणिमयभुवस्तुङगमभ्रंलिहग्रा:
प्रासादास्त्वां तुलयितुमलं यत्र तैस्तैर्विशेषै:॥ 66
हस्ते लीलाकमलमलके बालकुन्दानुविद्धं
नीता लोध्रप्रसवरजसापाण्डुतामाननश्री ।
चूडापाशे नवकरुवकं चारुवर्णे शिरीषं
सीमन्ते च त्वदुपगमजं यत्र नीपं वधूनाम्॥ 67
यस्याम यक्षा: सितमणि मयानेत्या हर्म्य स्थलानि
ज्योतिच्छाया कुसुमखाचितांन युत्तामास्त्रीसहाया:
आसेवन्ते मधु रतिफल कल्पवृक्षाप्रसूतम
त्वदगम्भीरध्वनिषु शनकै पुष्करे श्वाहातेषु 68
गत्यूलकंपादलकापतितेर्यात्रा मन्दारपुष्पैः
क्लिप्त छेदे कनक नलिने कर्ण विभ्रम सिभिशच
मुक्ताजा लै स्तन परिसर छीन्न सुत्रैशच हारे
नै शो मार्ग सतविदुरुदये सू च्यते कामिनीनां 69
नीवीबन्धोच्छ्वसितशिथिलं यत्र यक्षाङ्गनानां
वासः कामादनिभृतकरेषु आक्षिपत्सु प्रियेषु।
अर्चिस्तुंगानभिमुखगतान् प्राप्य रत्नप्रदीपान्
ह्रीमूढानां भवति विफलप्रेरणा चूर्णमुष्टिः॥ 70
नेत्रा नीता: सततगतिना ये विमनाग्रभूमी-
रालेख्यानां सजलकणिका दोषमुत्पाद्य सद्य:।
शङ्कास्पृष्टा इव जलमुचस्त्वादृशा यत्रजालैः
धूमोद्गारानुकृतिनिपुणा जर्जरा निष्पतन्ति॥ 71
यत्र स्त्रीणां प्रियतमभुजोच्छ्वासितालिह्गितानां
अङ्गग्लानिं सुरतजनितां तन्तुजालावलम्बाः।
त्वत्संरोधापगमविशदैः प्रेरिताश्चन्द्रपादैर्-
व्यालुम्बन्ति स्फुटजललवस्यन्दनश्चन्द्रकान्ताः॥ 72
नत्वा देवं धनपतिसखं यत्र साक्षात्वसन्तं
प्रायश्चापं न वहति भयान्मन्मथः षट्पदज्यम्।
सभ्रूभङ्गप्रहितनयनैः कामिलक्ष्येष्वमोखै:
तस्यारम्बश्चटुलवनिताविभ्रमैरेव सिद्धः॥ 73
तत्रागारं धनपतिगृहादुत्तरेणास्मदीयं
दूराल्लक्ष्यं सुरपतिधनुश्चारुणा तोरणेन।
यस्योद्याने कृतकतनयः कान्तया वर्द्धितो मे
हस्तप्राप्यस्तवकनमितो बालमन्दारवृक्षः॥ 74
वापी चास्मिन् मरकतशिलाबद्धसोपानमार्गाः
हेमैच्छन्ना कमलमुकुलैः स्निग्धवैडूर्यनालैः।
यस्यास्तोये कृतवसतयो मानसं सन्निकृष्टं
न ध्यास्यन्ति व्यपगतशुचस्त्वामपि प्रेक्ष्य हंसाः॥ 75
तस्यास्तीरे रचितशिखरः पेशलैरिन्द्रनीलैः
क्रीडाशैलः कनककदलीवेष्टनः प्रेक्षणीयः।
मद्गेहिन्याः प्रिय इति सखे चेतसा कातरेण
प्रेक्ष्यापान्तस्फुरिततटितं त्वां तमेव स्मरामि॥ 76
रक्ताशोकश्चलकिसलयः केसरश्चात्र कान्तः
प्रत्यासन्नः कुरुवकवृत्तेर्माधवीमण्डपस्य।
एकस्सख्यास्तव सहमया वामपादाभिलाषी
काङ्क्षत्यन्यो वदनमदिरां दोहदछद्मनास्याः॥ 77
The women there, are with the the lotus in the hand. In the locks the new-blown jasmin is interlaced, the beauty of the face is coloured a pale white, with the pollen-producing Lodra, in the luxuriant hair is the fresh Kuravaka, in the pretty ear the Sarisha, and on the hair-parting, the Nipaa which spring up on thy arrival.
Where, having women for companions, the Yakshas revel on the palace terraces, full of precious stones, made as it were of flowers, through the glittering of the stars, addicting themselves to wine of aphrodisiac juice, the growth of the kalpa trees, while the drums, of a sound, deep and soft, like thine, are gently beaten.
By the Mandara blossoms, fallen from the hair by the agitation of their motion, by the golden lotus broken in pieces, dropped from the ear, by pearls, the strings of which are adorning their ample breasts, and by the necklaces, at the dawning sun are disclosed the nightly ways of loving women.
Mandara (Erithrina fulgens) one of the five trees of Paradise.
If there the lovers, from desire, into their impudent hands throw the garments of the Yaksha women, the waist-strings of which being loosened had become slack; in vain do they, covered with shame, throw a handful of churna on the jewel lamps with lofty flames.
By their guide, the perpetually going (wind), the clouds carried to the top of the lofty palace floors, similar to thee, having spoilt the painting with their water-drops, fall off sickened through the windows, as it were by dread, being skilled in the imitation of the breaking forth of smoke.
The moonstones hanging in thread nets there remove the enjoyment-produced lassitude of limb in the women, caused by their being embraced in the arms of their lovers, which (moonstones) excited by the moon- rays, clear through the absence of thy obstruction, shed drops of bursting water.
Knowing that the god, friend to the Lord of Wealth, personally dwells there, Manmatha being fearful, com¬monly there does not bear the bow strung with bees. His work is effected by the blandishments of artful women, whose arched eyebrows are not unsuccessful against the lovers, their target.
There, to the northward of the palace of the Lord of Wealth, is my dwelling, to be recognized from afar by its ornamental door, beautiful as the bow of the Lord of Gods (Indra), in the gardens of which is the young Mandara tree, caused to grow by my beloved wife, like an adopted son, bending down through the weight of its clusters, attainable to the hand {i.e. within reach.)
And from this, a flight of stairs formed of emerald slabs leads to a large oblong pond, covered with golden lotus, with stalks glossy like lapis lazuli. The Hansas, which make their residence in its waters, throw aside regret, for when they see thee, they think no more of the adjacent Manasa.
On the banks of this is a beautiful mountain for sport, whose summit, composed of sapphires, is worthy to be seen on account of its being enclosed by golden plantains. “This is the favourite of my beloved,”— thus I think in my remembrance, I, unhappy, when, with disordered mind, I regard thee whose sides are flashing with Lightning.
Contiguous to a grove of Mandhavi flowers, sur¬rounded by Kuruvakas, is the Red Asoka, with tremu¬lous blossoms, and the lovely Kesara. The one, like me, longs for the beautiful feet of thy friend, the other desires the wine of her mouth, under the pretext of a longing.