श्रोतोरन्ध्रध्वनिितसुभगं दन्तिभिः पीयमानः
नीचैर्वास्यत्युपजिगमिषोर्देवपूर्वं गिरिं ते
शीतो वायुः परिणमयिता काननोदुम्बराणाम्॥ 44
तत्र स्कन्दं नियतवसतिं पुष्पमेघीकृतात्मा
पुष्पासारैः स्नपयतु भवान्व्योमगंगाजलार्द्रैः।
रक्षाहेतोर्नवशशिभृता वासवीनां चमूना-
मत्यादित्यं हुतवहमुखे संभृतं तद्धि तेजः॥ 45
ज्योतिर्लेखावलयि गलितं यस्य बर्हे भवानी
पुत्रप्रेम्णा कुवलयदलप्रापि कर्णे करोति।
धौतापाङगं हरशशिरुचः पावकेस्तं मयूरं
पपश्चादद्रिग्रहणगुरुभिर्गर्जितैर्नर्तयेथाः॥ 46
आराध्यैनं सरवणभवं देवमुल्लङ्घिताध्वा
व्यालम्बेथाः सुरभितनयालम्भजां मानयिष्यन्
स्रोतोमूर्त्त्या बुवि परिणतां रन्तिदेवस्य कीर्तिम्॥ 47
त्वय्यादातुं जलमवनते शार्ङगिणो वर्णचोरैः
तस्याः सिन्धोः पृथुमपि तनुं दूरभावात्प्रवाहम्।
प्रेक्षिष्यन्ते गगनगतयो नूनमावर्ज्य दृष्टी-
रेकं मुक्तागुणमिव भुवः स्थूलमध्येन्द्रनीलम्॥ 48
तामुत्तीर्य व्रज परिचितभूलताविभ्रमाणां
पात्रीकुर्वन् दशपुरवधूनेत्रकौतूहलानाम्॥ 49
ब्रह्मावर्तं जनपदमथच्छायया गाहमानः
क्षेत्रं क्षत्रप्रधनपिशुनं कौरवं तद्भजेथाः।
राजन्यानां शितशरशतैर्यत्रगाण्डीवधन्वा
धारापातैस्त्वमिवकमलान्यभ्यवर्षन्मुखानि॥ 50
हित्वा हालादभिमतरसां रेवतीलोचनाङ्कां
बन्धुप्रीत्या समरविमुखो लाङगली याः सिषेवे।
कृत्वा तासामभिगममपां सौम्यसारस्वतीना-
मन्तःशुद्धस्त्वमपि भविता वर्णमात्रेण कृष्णः॥ 51
तस्माद्गच्छेरनुकनखलं शैलराजावतीर्णां
जह्नोः कन्यां सगरतनयस्वर्गसोपानपङ्क्तिम्।
गौरीवक्त्रे भ्रुकुटिरचनां या विहस्येव फेनैः
शंम्भोः केशग्रहणमकरोदिन्दुलग्नोर्मिहस्ता॥ 52
तस्याः पातुं सुरगज इव व्योम्नि पश्चार्धलम्बी
त्वं चेदच्छस्फटिकविशदं तर्कयेस्तिर्यगम्भः।
संसर्पन्त्या सपदि भवतः स्रोतसि छाययाऽसौ
स्यादस्थानोपगतयमुनासङगमेवाभिरामा॥ 53
आसीनानां सुरभितशिलं नाभिगन्धैर्मृगाणां
तस्या एव प्रभवमचलं प्राप्य गौरं तुषारैः।
वक्ष्यस्यध्वश्रमविनयने तस्यश्रृङगे निषण्णः
शोभां शुभ्रत्रिनयनवृषोत्घातपङ्कोपमेयाम्॥ 54
Mayest thou, changed into a flower-cloud, by a flower rain-bath from the water of Heaven’s Ganges bathe Skanda, who has there taken up a permanent residence; for by the bearer of the new moon, was this Sun overcoming radiance, laid in the mouth of the offering consumer, in order to preserve Vasava’s host.
Refresh the peacock, (of whose moulted tail feathers studded with rows of stars, Bhavani, from affection to her son, fastens in her ears in the place of blue lotus leaves,) whose eye-corners glance white through the rays of Hara’s Moon. Afterwards cause it to dance in virtue of thy mountain-seizing heavy rolling thunder.
When thou hast propitiated that reed-wood-born god, advance on thy road where the lute-bearing pair of Siddahs, from fear of thy rain-drops will avoid thy path. Yet delay in order to exalt the fame of Rantideva, who sprung from the slaughter of Surabhi’s daughter, transformed into a stream, spreads itself on the earth.
When thou, 0 thief of the colour of the bowman, art stooping to take in water, the sky travellers will surely, casting their gaze downwards, contemplate the broad (though on account of the distance narrow) stream of that river, like a beautiful pearl necklace of the earth with a large sapphire in the middle.
Having crossed this, journey on, making thy image an object for the eager glances of the Dasapura women, who are acquainted with the brow languishing, who from their throwing up their eyelashes are like a sporting black buck, who possess the beauty of bees that cluster on the kunda flowers.
Having overspread the country called BrahmSvarta with thy shadow, honour with a visit the cruel field of Kuru (memorable) for the battle of the Kshattras when the Gandiva-armed-one, with a hundred pointed arrows, sprinkled the heads of the soldiers like as thou dost the lotuses with thy rain-drops.
O friend, having reached the waters of the Saras- vati, which the Ploughbearer reverenced, who leaving his delicious liquor marked with the eyes of RevatI, for the love of his relations, turned away his face from war; you, black only in colour, will (then) become pure within.
Having overspread the country called BrahmSvarta with thy shadow, honour with a visit the cruel field of Kuru (memorable) for the battle of the Kshattras when the Gandiva-armed-one, with a hundred pointed arrows, sprinkled the heads of the soldiers like as thou dost the lotuses with thy rain-drops.
If you, like a heavenly elephant having the fore- quarters inclined in the sky, thinkest to drink of its limpid waters, clear as crystal, at the moment thy shadow glides gently over the river, it will attain a beauty, as if the Jumna had flowed into it out of its proper place.
Having arrived at the snow-white mountains, her birthplace, whose rocks are scented with the navel- smell of the musk deer who is seated there, reclining upon one of the fatigue-removing horns, you will appear like scraped-up black earth by the beautiful white bull of the three-eyed one.