नीडारम्भे गृहबलिभुजां आकुलग्रामचैत्या:
त्वय्यासन्ने फलपरिणतिश्यामजम्पूवनान्ता:
सम्पत्स्यन्ते कतिपयदिनस्थायिहम्सा दश्शार्णा: 25
तेषां दिक्षु प्रथितविदिशालक्षणां राजधानीं
गत्वा सद्य: फलमतिमहत् कामुकत्वस्य लब्धा
तीरोपान्तस्तनितसुभगं पास्यसि स्वादुयुक्तं
सभ्रूभंगं मुखमिव पयो वेत्रवत्याश्चलोर्म्या: 26
नीचैराख्यां गिरिमधिवसेस्तत्र विश्रामहेतो:
त्वत् सम्पर्कात् पुलकितमिव प्रौढपुष्पै: कदम्बे
य: पण्यस्त्रीरतिपरिमलोद्गारिभिर्नागराणां
उद्दामानि प्रथयति शिलावेश्मभिर्योवनानि 27
विश्रान्तस्सन् व्रज वननदीतीरजातानि सिञ्ज
न्नुद्यानानां नवजलकणै: यूथिकाजालकानि
छायदानात् क्षणपरिचित: पुष्पलावीमुखानाम् 28
वक्र: पन्था यदपि भवत प्रस्थितस्योत्तराशां
सौधोत्संगप्रणयविमुखो मा च भूरुज्जयिन्या:
विद्युद्दामस्फुरणचकितैस्तत्र पौरांगनानां
लोलापांगैर्यदि न रमसे लोचनैर्वञ्जितोसि 29
संसर्प्पन्त्या: स्खलितसुभगं दर्शितावर्त्तनाभे:
निर्विन्ध्याया: पथि भव रसाभ्यन्तर: सन्निपत्य
स्त्रीणामाद्यं प्रणयवचनं विभ्रमो हि प्रियेषु 30
वेणीभूतप्रतनुसलिला तामतीतस्य सिन्धु:
पाण्डुच्छाया तटरुहतरुभ्रम्शिभि: शीर्ण्णपर्ण्णै:
सौभाग्यं ते सुभग विरहावस्थया व्यञ्जयन्ती
कार्श्यं येन त्यजति विधिना स त्वयैवोपपाद्य: 31
पूर्वोद्दिष्टामनुसर पुरीं श्रीविशालां विशालां
स्वल्प्पीभूते सुचरितफले स्वर्ग्गिणां गां गतानां
शेषै: पुणै: कृतमिव दिव: कान्तिमत् खण्टमेकम् 32
दीर्घीकुर्व्वन् पटुमदकलं कूजितं सारसानां
प्रत्यूषेषु स्फुडितकमलामोदमैत्रीकषाया:
यत्र स्त्रीणां हरति सुरतग्लानिमंगानुकूल:
शिप्रावात: प्रियतम इव प्रार्थनाचाडुकार: 33
जालोद्गीर्णैरुपचितवपु: केशसंस्कारधूपै:
बन्धुप्रीत्या भवनशिखिभिर्द्दत्तनृत्योपहार:
हर्म्येष्वस्या: कुसुमसुरभिष्वध्वखिन्नान्तरात्मा
नीत्वा खेदं ललितवनितापादरागाङ्कितेषु 34
भर्त्तु: कण्ठच्छविरिति गणै: सादरं वीक्ष्यमाण:
पुण्यं यायास्त्रिभुवनगुरोर्धाम चण्ढेश्वरस्य
धूतोद्यानं कुवलयरजोगन्धिभिर्गन्धवत्या:
तोयक्रीडाविरतयुवतिस्नानतिक्तैर्मरुद्भि: 35
When thou hast arrived at the Royal City named Vidisa, famous in the regions, thou wilt soon acquire the complete fruit of thy quality as a lover. You will there drink the water of the VetravatI, the waves of which ripple in joy (indicated by) their murmuring noise noar the shore, like a frowning countenance.
There, light down on the mountains called Nlcha, on which the full blown Kadambas will become erect, like a body in a state of voluptuous horripilation, and whose rocky recesses, reeking with the scent of the unguents of harlot pleasure, reveal the licentious games of the men inhabiting towns.
After having rested, proceed, sprinkling the Jasmin buds of the gardens growing on the banks of the Naga nadl, and (after having) made the acquaintance for a moment with the countenances of the flower-sellers by affording them thy shade, who by their continued efforts to chase the sweat from their cheeks, have caused their ear water-lilies to fade.
Though your way would be circuitous, since you proceed northward, be not averse to make the acquaint¬ance of the palace laps of Ougein. If you are not delighted with the eyes of the women of the city, who are frightened at the flashes of thy lightning, and whose glances are tremulous—you are cheated.
Having arrived at the deep water of the Nirvindya, whose girdle-band of a row of birds, by the agitation of the waves tinkles, and gracefully gliding, flows away, and leaves her whirlpool navel exposed to view: continue on your road, for the first word of love in a woman, is confusion in presence of a lover.
Having left her behind, you must use the means by which the river, Sindhu (whose narrow thread of water is like a lock of hair, of a pale lustre on account of the withered leaves falling from the trees along its banks, and who thus, on account of her state of separation from thee, manifests thy happiness), may depart from her state of leanness.
Having arrived at Avanti, where the old men of the villages are acquainted with the Story of Udayana* proceed to the city previously mentioned, the fortunate Visala, which is like a beautiful portion of Swarga, brought down as it were by the yet remaining good works of the inhabitants of heaven, who returned to earth when more were still left—a small portion of their good deeds.
Where the Sipra wind (like a lover courting (his beloved one) for the sake of gratification of desire), carrying far the shrill, indistinct, love-cooing of the cranes in the early morning, fragrant from its friend¬ship with the odours of the opening lotus, limb- caressing, removes the enjoyment-produced lassitude of women.
If thy body be augmented by the window-exhaled perfume of the hair toilettes, and have the peacocks of the house offered thee the present of a dance, and hast thou, thy soul having become fatigued with the journey, rested on the flower-perfumed palace roofs, marked red with the feet of the beautiful women,
Proceed, reverently beheld by the Ganas who exclaim, because they see in thee the beauty of the throat of their lord, to the pure dwellings of the ruler of the three worlds, the husband of Chanda where the gardens are fanned by the wind fragrant with the pollen of the water-lily, redolent from the perfumes of the young girls, who are continually frolicking in the water of the Gandhavati